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Hnědý vrch

Contact The Hnedy vrch Viewing Tower and Lift

No need to book, the viewing tower is open daily.

Černohorská 265
Pec pod Sněžkou
Janské Lázně
E-mail: skiresort@skiresort.cz
Telefon: +420 840 888 229


Pec pod Sněžkou


The four-seat lift to Hnedy vrch hill was built in Pec pod Snezkou in 2003. It is 1168 m long and the ride takes 8.5 minutes, during which you can enjoy beautiful views of the landscape with the adjacent skiing resorts. You can get on with your skis in winter, or with a bike or pram in the summer. At Hnedy hill, at an altitude of 1212 m a.s.l., you can climb the Hnedy vrch viewing tower. It has a triangular base and the upright bearing structure is made of wooden poles and a central steel column with stairs. The highest floor is covered with a gable roof and supported by three steel beams. At 31 metres in height it is the tallest viewing tower in the Krkonose. You can climb up to a height of 27 m and look around the Krkonose Mountains. In good weather, you can see the Orlicke Mountains and Jeseniky Mountains.