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Perennials Nursery

Contact You can arrange a visit from May to October by phone on +420 603 520 912.

Trvalková školka Michal Kuřík
51237 Studenec u Horek 438 Owner and gardener
E-mail: info@trvalkovaskolka
Telefon: +420 603 520 912


Jiřetín pod Bukovou 6


A unique collection of perennials for harsh climatic conditions. On an area of 0.7 hectares, perennials, herbs, aquatic and palustrine species, ornamental grasses, ferns and alpines are grown, as well as plants that only occur in the Krkonose. All the plants are first grown in stock plant beds for three years and only when they are resistant enough can they be bred. The perennials are bred here from their stock plants to allow all-year planting. Everyone who visits the Perennials Nursery in Studenec is welcome to the colourful area with a wooden building in the centre and a small pool below the slope. At an altitude of 530 m a.s.l., you can also see flowers that our grandmothers used to grow, such as phlox, asters, chrysanthemums, irises and peonies. Open on Fridays and Saturday mornings.